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EUR  >  0.846 GBP  >   1.124 USD
BRL  >  0.139 GBP  >   0.164 EUR
USD  >  0.753 GBP  >   0.89 EUR
GBP  >  1.329 USD  >   1.182 EUR
BTC  ≈  57045 EUR  ≈   48260 GBP
ETH  ≈    2500 EUR  ≈   2115 GBP
USDT  ≈ 0.895 EUR  ≈   0.757 GBP


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EXAMPLE: I'm seeking a new 1 bedroom apartment up to 80.000EUR, spacious, in a quiet location and with good sun exposure.
Tell us what you are looking for, we will find it for you.
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